Sunday, January 29, 2012

Takziah Nurul..

29th January 2012,pagi ini aku dikejutkan dengan berita buruk. Banyak text dr kwn2 dan call dari Yana & ida pada masa yang sama. Ibunda kepada Nurul Haiza teman sekerja telah disahkan meninggal dunia pada pagi ini. Semoga rohnya di tempatkan di golongan org yang beriman. Nurul, tabahkan hatimu, kuatkan semangat untuk teruskan kehidupan ini. Memang terlalu sukar untuk kita menerima hakikat bahawa seorang ibu telah pergi meninggalkan kita buat selama – lamanya…Tiada lagi tempat untuk bermanja, tempat untuk mengadu masalah. Ibulah sahabat terbaik di dunia ini yang boleh kita percayai dan memahami perasaan setiap anaknya. Sama2 lah kita doakan semoga roh nya pergi dalam keadaan yang tenang. Takziah kami ucapkan Nurul…

Valentine's Day is around the Corner

The rose is red, the violet's blue
The honey's sweet, and so are you
Thou are my love and I am thine
I drew thee to my Valentine
The lot was cast and then I drew
And Fortune said it should be you

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The best movies of 2012


Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

Synopsis: "Young Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson, reprising his role from the first film) receives a coded distress signal from a mysterious island where no island should exist. It's a place of strange life forms, mountains of gold, deadly volcanoes, and more than one astonishing secret. Unable to stop him from going, Sean's new stepfather, Hank (Dwayne Johnson), joins the quest. Together with a helicopter pilot (Luis Guzman) and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter (Vanessa Hudgens), they set out to find the island, rescue its lone inhabitant and escape before seismic shock waves force the island under the sea and bury its treasures forever"


Quotes Myspace Comments

Why Men and Women leave each other

A man’s biological urge is to provide for a woman and her appreciation of his efforts confirms his success. If she is happy, he feels fulfilled. If she is not happy he feels that he is a failure because he believes he can’t provide enough. Men constantly say to their friends. I can never make her happy and this can be sufficient motivation for a man to leave a relationship for another woman who seems happy with what he can provide.

A woman leaves a man not because
She is unhappy with what he can
provide, but because she is
Emotionally unfulfilled

She wants love, romance and conversation. He needs to be told by a woman that he is successful at what he does and what he can provide is fine. But a man needs to be romantic and most of all, listen when a woman talks, without offering solutions.

Have you forgiven you for loving and trusting so much that another was able to harm you so deeply? Do you forgive your heart its loving ways? Do YOU want your forgiveness?

"Love u like a Song". Really really like this song. Honestly it's good...